Un bon cours avec des astuces pour bash
« Il peut arriver qu'en raison de problèmes de caractères (UTF-8, latin1, ...) certains soient mal reconnus. Il est donc impossible de déplacer, renommer ou supprimer un fichier. Une astuce consiste à renommer le fichier en question via son numéro d'inode. »
Des tips et astuces pour bash
If you've been looking for a fast, global-search and tag-based email system to use within your text editor or in a terminal...
If you're the kind of person that gets excited about being able to write shell scripts for exploring and manipulating your email...
If you're a developer of an existing email program and would love a good library interface for fast, global search with support for arbitrary tags...
If you want the convenience of fast, reliable search of all your email, but don't want to give a 3rd-party access to your email...
Then notmuch may be exactly what you've been looking for.