thumbnail Good software development habits | Zarar's blog
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thumbnail khiner/CrosswordFiller: One of the very first programs I ever made - a program to find valid english crossword fills given a grid pattern using beam search. I found as a jar file using the Wayback Machine!
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thumbnail Need to remove keys from an array or object? Use the data forget helper | Laravel News
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thumbnail caronc/apprise: Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
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thumbnail 5 Useful Laravel features which I got to know during the preparation for the Laravel Certification | by Vlad Reshetilo | Oct, 2022 | Medium
thumbnail Monitoring PHP applications with OpenTelemetry and SigNoz - DEV Community
thumbnail AnourValar/office - Generate Documents in PHP With an Excel Template
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thumbnail Sammyjo20/Saloon: A Laravel/PHP package that allows you to write your API integrations in a beautiful, standardised syntax.
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thumbnail Les développeurs gèrent un volume de code 100 fois plus important maintenant qu'en 2010 dans plus de langages, pour plus de plateformes que jamais. Une complexité qui a un impact personnel sur eux
thumbnail migrify/awesome-php-migrations: Awesome sources for PHP projects migrations - legacy, pattern refactoring, framework switches, temlates and configs...
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thumbnail dg/twitter-php: Small and easy PHP library for sending messages to Twitter and receiving statuses.
thumbnail PHONK - Self-contained Creative scripting toolbox for new and old Android devices
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thumbnail reactphp/reactphp: Event-driven, non-blocking I/O with PHP.
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thumbnail wordplate/wordplate: WordPlate is a wrapper around WordPress to make developers life easier. It is just like building any other WordPress website with themes and plugins. Just with sprinkles on top.
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thumbnail myCompiler - An online IDE for C, C++, Java, Python, Go, NodeJS and other languages
thumbnail syscolabs/kasaya: A "WYSIWYG" (kind of) scripting language and runtime for browser automation
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